Neighborhood Forums & Bridge Visualizations
The IBR group has been actively been reaching out to communities to meet with community members in person. Recent meetings were held in Vancouver on May 31st and in Portland on June 6th to answer questions and collect feedback.
In May they also released some Bridge Visualizations to give an preview of how different bridge types could look in the community. Three bridge configurations are currently being studied. They expect to have a better understanding of the trade-offs between the three configuations later this year. “The community will have an opportunity to review the analysis and provide input during the public comment period. A decision regarding bridge configuration is expected to be made in 2024 before the start of the environmental analysis required for the Final SEIS and updated Record of Decision. Considerations to determine bridge type will occur after a decision on bridge configuration is made,” according to the newsletter item posted on the IBR news. You can find this information and more on the website
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